24 September 2014

Flare Day

Im in a moderate to worse flare today. Pretty much sucks. I had to reschedule my dentist appt, again due to the wonderul world of I shit way too much. Flare ups and IBS go hand in hand. Ones bad makes the other worse and that makes the other worse and so on and such forth. Here we go back to that one word. Hate. I hate this shit and having to shit and all that other shit that goes with the shit of fibro. Said shit a lot didnt I? Thats because its really shitty. So on to this flare. Just what the hell do you suppose brought this one on? MMm let me guess. Weather system, cold front moving through. Check. High stress levels. Check. Winter hath approches. Check. Did a little too much the last couple days. Check. Well looks like its all there.  Its even rainy and gloomy outside. Mm go figure. Im not sure I am cut out for this kind of shit( ha more shit). Kinda depressing at times. So I sit here and listen to Pink Floyd with a proper buzz and hope it helps. Medicating with cannabis is the best way to go, for me anyways. I ate 2 cookies this morning for breakfast and smoked a little and it is helping a lot. Pretty sure this flare would have me in bed otherwise. Im almost there as it is. Pretty damn sick but I think the shits are pretty close to being done for a while anyway. I hope so. 
     Shit. Its humpday and the weekend is getting closer. Tomorrow I go to see Tom at the VA. hopefully Im not sick. Stay tuned this could get interesting to be sure. My hands started hurting a lot faster today so Im a gonna get along and have some lunch, soup, maybe and a nap sounds about right. Peace my friends, have a safe trip and keep the shiny side up. See ya on the flip..

1 comment:

  1. Dr Williams medicine was extremely helpful to my daughter. I have had a daughter with fibromyalgia for 21 years now , and my doctor have prescribe me with different kinds of western drugs without no improvement on my daughter symptoms . I am so glad I have found Dr Williams medicine (as I was surfing the net for a solution and saw a recommendation for it on a women's health forum early this year). I have felt so empowered by the knowledge you have given me and I quickly self diagnosed the individual causes of my daughter fibromyalgia and armed with his clear instructions, I was finally able to beat this monster, in less than 4 weeks of using dr Williams medication on my daughter. she went for checkup and it was clear that my daughter fibromyalgia were gone,you can also email him on drwilliams098675@gmail.com for help.

    Thank you, thank you , thank you. Dr Williams "
