03 November 2009

Another Sunny Day

Today's weather is nice and sunny. I feel pretty good today too. My hands and fingers hurt but that's getting to be par for the course. And no I don't play golf. Golf is for, well never mind that. So my fibro seems to be pretty calm today but the arthritis is flaming me pretty bad. Go figure. If its not one thing its another. When it rains it pours.No not today. I'm in good spirits and almost all of my body feels pretty good. I was even motivated enough to go through some old files and shred some of those old files. Shredded paper makes wonderful dirt after being buried for about 2 months. Its really easy too all you need is hole in the yard( I dug mine about 18 inches square or so and about 2 feet deep or so. I have added all kinds of compost matter some water and shredded paper. Whala out comes dirt. Good old fashioned soil. It even smells like soil. Ok my hands hurt too much for this today so its going to be a short post. Weather stats are next. 
 Conditions   Sunny.
 Temp.          41 F
 Feels like     38 F
 Dew Point   20 F
 Humidity     45 %
 Wind          sw @ 5 mph
 Barometer  30.26 inches
   I guess that will be good for now.  Good night Mrs. Calabash wherever you are. 

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