04 March 2010

It's Been too Long.

I haven't posted here since I was rescheduled for my disability hearing. Well to make a long story somewhat shorter I finally had my hearing and the Judge approved my case right at the hearing. Kinda rare but I guess it happens. So now I am approved and I am receiving my monthly check. I still need to get my retro pay but I don't worry near as much as I was. Whew ya know. Since then we have bought a dog, yep a full blood German Shepherd Dog. A big one too. He is still a pup and not even close to full size. I am training him to be my service dog. He can open some doors pick thing up for me and if I really need him to he can brace for me. A little more on him later. My fibro has been running as usual during the time I haven't posted until just a month or two ago. Now I really don't know if I am having a flare or if the fibro is getting worse or the Lyrica is not doing it's job. I saw Dr. Eddy Fri and then on Mon I saw Dr. More. Dr. More is my neurologist and Dr Eddy is my gp. More is taking me off Lyrica and putting me on Cymbalta. We shall see how that goes. I really don't like having fibro. It can be a real drag on life. I go in for a massage on Fri. Boy I can hardy wait for that. Mm I'm not being sarcastic either. I'm also going to book a day spa kinda thingy. That will be soooo nice. I am also going to look into tanning booths. MMmm You ask why? Well for me I seem to respond real well to heat related therapy. Well at least it feels really good when I have the sun on my skin or I am in a warm to almost hot shower. I am also going to check out some hydro therapy But that cost 35.$ a session also. The massage is 33 for an hour too so I guess I have to find a balance. Now I can chase down a therapy that may work. I am getting paid and now we can afford for me to try different things. Maybe even accu puncture. Maybe.. lol. And out of the closet I come with my medical marijuana. Yep I confess. I smoke pot for the pain and for the psychological benefit. Keeps me on a mostly even keel. That and all the other drugs that I am taking. Gee Ma look I ended up taking drugs after all. Fu&*. I wish Wisconsin would get with the program here. We need a legal way to help our own pain management. And if I want to smoke pot then, damn that just what I intend on doing. Can't be any worse than Oxycontin or morphine. And I don't have any thing for my arthritis pain. Capsasion she says. Yea maybe I'll try that again when my arthritis flares up. Like right now. I am typing and that really kills my hands and fingers. I do try to resist as many drugs as I can. I do  have a few anti depressants and a couple of anti anxiety pills also. The fibro still hurts. I haven't been here so for so long I almost feel bad. lol. Kinda like not seeing a good friend for a long time. One nice thing about a blog I guess is that I can leave and come back later and post some more. See ya all later muchacos.

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